Excluding a customer from your referral program


BrandLift's Referral system has a number of robust Referral fraud prevention tools, however, it's necessary to restrict certain participants from accessing your program due to misconduct.

How to exclude a customer from your referral program

To exclude a customer, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your BrandLift Customers list or click here
  2. Search for the customer's email and click their BrandLift profile
  3. Click the Exclude button in the top right corner
  4. Click Change Status to confirm the exclusion.

When attempting to use their referral account, individuals who have been restricted will encounter a non-specific error message rather than receiving explicit notification of their exclusion.


  • Restricting a participant's access to the program does not deactivate their general customer account.
  • In addition to the referral program, restricted participants will also lose access to the points system.
  • Rather than being directly informed of their restricted status, affected individuals will simply find themselves unable to refer others to the program.

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Designing your referral emails
Managing the status of your referrals