How to invite guests to create an account using Shopify

This guide will show you how to modify Shopify's Account Invitation email to inform your customers about your Loyalty & Rewards Program. The process involves some minor tweaks to the email template's Liquid/HTML code, which can be done quickly and easily.

💡 Pro Tip: Visit our documentation about Points Program Participation to change how guests and members earn points.

Editing the Account Invitation email

Account invitation emails can be sent to individuals with customer profiles who haven't yet created an account in your Shopify admin (These are labeled as 'Guests' in the Loyalty app). While you can customize this email for each send, you can also alter the template itself. This tutorial will walk you through those changes, enabling you to invite guests to your Loyalty & Rewards program with just a few simple steps.

💡 Pro Tip: If you have a dedicated page for your program, you can add it here too! Remember to add it between the shop URL and the deep link: {{ shop.url }}/pages/rewards#ba-loyalty-home

To find the email template:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Notifications.
  2. Scroll down to the Customer section.
  3. Click the Customer account invite link.

Change the subject line

The initial modification should be the email's subject line. Craft a compelling Call-to-Action that captures attention and clearly communicates the email's purpose.

The subject line is located above the Email body (HTML) section:

Change the email title and body

At the top of the Email body (HTML) section, you'll find the title and body text visible to the customer. This content is enclosed in {% capture %} tags, but no code adjustments are necessary. Any text outside brackets or braces can be freely customized. Even minor edits can shift the message's focus towards your Loyalty & Rewards Program.

Here is the original, with the customer-facing content highlighted:

And here it is after some very light editing:

Add a link to your program

Another enhancement is adding a direct link to your Loyalty & Rewards Program within the email. To locate this section, scroll down about three-quarters of the Email body (HTML) area. You'll find the part that says 'Visit our Store' with a link to your shop's homepage. Here we're just going to edit the copy slightly and add a Loyalty deep link to the URL. If you have trouble finding this section, search the page (Ctrl+F on Windows, ⌘+F on Mac) for the word visit.

This is how the original looks, with the section we'll be editing highlighted:

To add a link to the app widget insert the deep link e.g. #ba-loyalty-home after {{ shop.url }} inside the double quotation marks. Then edit the text to your preference. In the example below we changed it to Visit our store's Rewards Program and added to find out more outside of the anchor </a> element, meaning that it won't be part of the link text.

💡 Pro Tip: If you have a dedicated page for your program, you can add it here too! Remember to add it between the shop URL and the deep link: {{ shop.url }}/pages/rewards#ba-loyalty-home

Here is the same section after our edits:

That covers all the necessary changes! Now, when you invite customers to create an account on your store, they'll be immediately informed about your Rewards Program and directed straight to the Loyalty widget 🙂

Going back to the original template

If you want to revert to the original template at any time, simply undo the changes you've made. You can also view and download a text file of the original template here and copy & paste it into the Email body (HTML) section. Click on the link to open the text file in a new tab or right-click and select 'Save link as' to download it.

Common questions

Can't I use your app to invite Guests?

Please note that due to current Shopify limitations, this feature isn't fully implementable yet. We're actively exploring solutions to develop this functionality. In the meantime, you can show your support for this feature by voting for it on our product roadmap.

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