Referral Smart Links explained


Referral Smart Links are customized URLs generated by BrandLift, associated with each customer's unique email and account. These links incorporate settings specific to your shop, offering a branded experience.

Referral Smart Links branding guide

  • The Referral Smart Links automatically incorporate the custom domain you've configured in Shopify.
  • Your customers' referral codes remain constant even if you modify your custom domain.
  • Every customer in your database is assigned a referral code, regardless of account status. They can access this code by providing their name and email on your referral campaign page.
  • Referral codes ( are unique,
  • To customize the branding of the experience in the URL and on the page, check our guides.

Referral Smart Link fraud detection

✨ Referral Smart Links have robust fraud detection checks built in. Visit our fraud prevention toolkit to learn more

Customizing redirect settings for referral links

Implement detailed customizations to ensure a frictionless experience for users when they utilize their personalized URL.

Friend post discount redirect URL

Specify a page slug where all referral links will direct users after reward redemption. This destination will be accessible to anyone when referral links are shared.

  1. From the Referral Campaigns page, click Edit on the referral campaign or create a new campaign here
  2. Click the Pages heading within the campaign editor
  3. Scroll down to the Friend Reward Page section
  4. Under Post Discount Redirect URL, set the path preferred
  5. Click Save.

Advocate post discount redirect URL

Determine the destination URL for advocates when they click the link to claim their reward.

  1. From the Referral Campaigns page, click Edit on the referral campaign or create a new campaign here
  2. Click the Pages heading within the campaign editor
  3. Scroll down to the Advocate Reward Page section
  4. Under Post Discount Redirect URL, set the path preferred
  5. Click Save.

Common questions

Can I add a custom domain to my Referral Smart Links?

BrandLift will utilize your custom domain for the links if you've established one in your Shopify admin settings.

Can I customize the referral links?

Customizing referral links for individual customers is not currently an available feature.

Can I disable a customer's referral link or exclude a customer?

Absolutely! To deactivate or exclude a customer's referral link, please consult our provided guide.

Can I add Smart links to my email campaigns?

Indeed! You can use our integrations to incorporate the BrandLift Referral URL property into your email marketing campaigns.

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Referral Program Integrations
Referral campaign builder