Using CSV files to manage Loyalty data in bulk


A CSV file is a simple text document that uses commas to separate values. The information is typically displayed in a table format, making Excel or Google Sheets ideal tools for preparation. This guide offers downloadable templates and straightforward instructions for effortlessly managing Loyalty data in large quantities through CSV files.

Import Loyalty data

To import customer loyalty information, such as when transitioning from another Loyalty application, follow the steps outlined below. You'll be able to import existing point balances, birth dates, activation dates (when their customer account was enabled), and VIP tier levels.

  1. Go to Settings > CSV Imports > Import Loyalty Data
  2. Click on Download Template to save the file to your device - or just download the file here:
  3. Open the file in Google Sheets or Excel and fill it out according to the structure: Email,Points Balance,Birthdate,VIP Tier,Activation Date,Credits Balance
  4. After downloading the edited file as a CSV, go back to BrandLift and click Add file
  5. Select the file and allow a few minutes for your Loyalty data to update.


  • Note that data import is limited to existing customers only. The CSV file process does not create new profiles within your Shopify admin.
  • You can edit the default translation of the import note by going to Branding > Translation > Points > General add points default note.
  • Members do not receive the BrandLift 'VIP Tier Unlocked' email after updating their tier via CSV.
  • While you can lower a customer's tier using the CSV file, be aware that if their BrandLift profile records new activity, the app will automatically reassess and adjust their tier status accordingly.
  • Members do not receive entry rewards when the tier has been updated via CSV
  • We don't trigger the Klaviyo events 'Customer Moved Up/Down A Tier' after updating tiers via CSV.

Add points to customers

Use our CSV file for adding points to multiple customers at the same time.

  1. Go to Customers
  2. Click on Adjust Total Points
  3. On the modal that appears, click CSV Template to save the template - or simply download the file here
  4. Open the file in Google Sheets or Excel and fill it out according to the structure: Email,Points Balance
  5. Download the edited file as a CSV and go back to BrandLift
  6. Select Add points to existing customer balances as the Import Type
  7. Click on Add file and select the file
  8. Under Reason for Change, enter the internal note
  9. Under Leave a comment for the customer, choose between using the system's default note or adding a custom comment
  10. Click Adjust points balance and allow a few minutes for your Loyalty data to update


  • The CSV file adds a new points log to the customer's points history
  • You can use the same file to deduct points by adding a minus sign before the points balance in the CSV (ex. -100)
  • You can edit the translation of the default comment by going to Branding > Translation > Points > General add points default note
  • If you have the VIP Tiers enabled, make sure to update the members' VIP statuses after the adjustment.

Reset customers' points

Our CSV file allows for simultaneous adjustment of multiple customers' point balances. The system will remove any current points and smoothly replace them with the newly specified amount.

  1. Go to Customers
  2. Click on Adjust Total Points
  3. On the modal that appears, click CSV Template to save the template - or simply download the file here
  4. Open the file in Google Sheets or Excel and fill it out according to the structure:
  5. Download the edited file as a CSV and go back to BrandLift
  6. Select Reset existing customer balances as the Import Type
  7. Click on Add file and select the file
  8. Under Reason for Change, enter the internal note
  9. Under Leave a comment for the customer, choose between using the system's default note or adding a custom comment
  10. Click Adjust points balance and allow a few minutes for your Loyalty data to update.


  • When using the CSV file to adjust points, two entries will be added to the points history: one for removing the existing balance, and another for adding the new specified balance.
  • You can edit the translation of the default comments by going to Branding > Translation > Points > General reset removal default note & General reset new balance default note
  • If you have the VIP Tiers enabled, make sure to update the members' VIP statuses after the adjustment.

CSV Import Progress

To view the progress of your CSV uploads:

  • From the BrandLift dashboard, go to Settings > CSV Imports
  • At CSV Import Progress, click View CSV Imports
  • All your CSV uploads are tracked here with a progress bar and upload status.

Export customer data

  1. Go to Settings > CSV Imports
  2. Scroll down to Export Customer Data
  3. Optional: Check the option Referral Link if you also want to
  4. Click Export
  5. Confirm the file export on the prompt and expect the email in a few minutes. By default, the data is sent to the store email.

💡 Pro Tip: To change the email recipient, go to Settings > General > Account Settings and update your preferred email.

Updating VIP statuses after points adjustments

If you have VIP Tiers enabled with entry based on total points earned, it's necessary to recalculate all members' point balances after making CSV adjustments. This ensures accurate tier placement for all customers.

  1. Go to Loyalty > VIP Tiers
  2. Scroll down to Program Settings
  3. In the Program Start Date section, click Edit
  4. Make sure to select your program start date and click
  5. Confirm the action by clicking Continue on the prompt. This will recalculate the VIP statuses.

Common questions

Can I import guests who are just browsing my website and turn them into members?

Changing a customer's status to Member is not possible through CSV. They must first activate a customer account on your storefront.

Will my customers receive emails after bulk updating their points?

BrandLift does not send Loyalty emails for point adjustments made via CSV, even if email notifications are turned on.

Can I adjust one customer's points balance at a time, instead of all at once?

Absolutely! This can be done on the customer's profile page. See our guide on this: Adjusting customers' points balances. You can also add as many or as few of your members to the CSV file to adjust your members' points balances.

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