Translation Texts: Comprehensive List for Customization


This document provides an exhaustive compilation of all translatable text elements found in the Translations module of BrandLift. It serves as a resource to help you fine-tune BrandLift's language, ensuring it perfectly captures your brand's tone and resonates with your target audience.

Organization of This Guide:

  • App Layout Alignment: For your convenience, the text entries in this guide are presented in the same sequence as they appear within the application.
  • Sectional Breakdown: Each segment of this manual corresponds to a particular functionality or section within the app, such as 'Referral Program', 'Loyalty Tiers', and so on, mirroring the application's structure for ease of use.
  • Variable Usage: We've incorporated detailed insights on the utilization of variables - crucial components that introduce dynamic personalization to the application.

Our aim is to streamline the customization process, making it both intuitive and efficient, thereby enhancing your clientele's interaction with your loyalty scheme.

A Note on Variables

Variables in BrandLift are engineered to showcase dynamic, user-specific content. They are exclusively bound to their predefined fields. This implies that each variable can only operate correctly within its designated text area and is not interchangeable across different fields or contexts. Proper implementation of these variables is crucial for personalizing the user experience. Below, you'll find a detailed breakdown of where each variable can be appropriately used.

Specific Fields and Their Allowed Variables:

  1. Points-Related Field:
  • Variable: {{points}} - Represents different point-related data depending on the context.
    • Specific Fields:
      • General You Have Points - Shows points balance.
      • Checkout UI Points Estimation Title - Informs potential points earnable on purchase completion.
      • Checkout UI Redeem Points Desc - Indicates points balance available for redemption.
      • VIP Tier Earn Points: Represents the number of points required to reach or maintain a VIP tier.

2. Referral Program Fields:

  • Variable: {{points_amount}} - Indicates the amount of points associated with specific actions or referrals, depending on the context.
    • Specific Fields:
      • Referral Complete Points - Points for completing a referral.
      • Review Complete Points - Points for posting a product review.
  • Variable: {{shop_name}} - Name of your shop in referral communications.
    • Specific Fields:
      • Referrals Email Your Friend Has Referred You - Email template for friend referrals.

3. VIP Tier Fields:

  • Variable: {{vip_tier_name}} - Name of the VIP tier the user is in.
    • Specific Fields:
      • VIP Reward Earned Via - Indicates the VIP tier through which a reward was earned.
  • Variable: {{tier_name}} - Notifications about VIP tier status changes.
  • Specific Fields:
    • VIP Tier Added To - Notification when added to a VIP tier.
    • VIP Tier Achieved - Notification when a new VIP tier is unlocked.
    • VIP Tier Dropped To - Notification when dropped to a lower VIP tier.
    • VIP Tier Retained To - Notification when retaining a current VIP tier.

4. Membership and Rewards Fields:

  • Variables for Terms of Service and reward conditions:
    • {{max_shipping_amount}}, {{expiry_months}}, {{expiry_date}}, {{product_name}}, {{min_order_amount}}.
    • Specific Fields:
  • Tos Max Shipping Amount - Maximum shipping amount for a reward.
  • Tos Expiry Months - Expiration time frame for a reward.
  • Tos Expiry At - Exact expiration date of a reward.
  • Tos Free Product - Applicability of a reward to a specific product.
  • Tos Min Order Amount - Minimum order amount for a reward's applicability.

5. Checkout and Redemption Fields:

  • Variable: {{balance}} - User's store credit balance for ic
  • Specific Fields:
    • Checkout UI Redeem Incremental Earnings Desc - Displays store credit balance at checkout.
  • Variable: {{code}} - A specific discount code.
  • Specific Fields:
    • Checkout UI Redeem Incremental Discount Code Change Error - Error message for incompatible discount code.

Best Practices for Using Variables

  • Syntax Accuracy: Ensure the variable syntax {{variable_name}} is correct to avoid display errors.
  • Variable Integrity: Alter the surrounding text as needed, but do not modify the variable itself.
  • Contextual Usage: Employ variables in their designated fields for proper functionality.

Following these principles will guarantee that the interactive elements in your applications are precise and impactful, ultimately improving the quality of user interaction.

Translations List

General Points and Ways to Earn

General Ways to Earn

Default Text: Ways to Earn

Purpose: Introduces the section where users can learn how to earn points.

General Ways to Redeem

Default Text: Ways to Redeem

Purpose: Explains how users can redeem their points for rewards.

General Sign In

Default Text: Sign in

Purpose: Prompts users to sign in to view or manage their points.

General Sign Up

Default Text: Sign up

Purpose: Invites new users to sign up for the loyalty program.

General Signed Up

Default Text: Signed up

Purpose: Confirms that a user has successfully signed up.

General No Rewards Yet

Default Text: No rewards yet

Purpose: Informs users that they haven't earned any rewards yet.

General Your Rewards Will Show Here

Default Text: Your rewards will show here.

Purpose: Indicates where users can see their earned rewards.

General Past Rewards

Default Text: Past rewards

Purpose: Displays a user's history of redeemed rewards.

General Go Back

Default Text: Go back

Purpose: Provides a navigational option to return to the previous page.

General Your Rewards

Default Text: Your rewards

Purpose: Showcases the rewards a user has earned or can earn.

General Upcoming Reward

Default Text: Upcoming reward

Purpose: Highlights rewards that users are close to earning.

General Redeem

Default Text: Redeem

Purpose: Offers a call to action for users to redeem their points.

General Redeemed a Reward

Default Text: Redeemed a Reward

Purpose: Indicates that a reward has been successfully redeemed.

General Redeemed Store Credit

Default Text: Redeemed Store Credit

Purpose: Notifies users when store credit has been redeemed.

General Order Placed Store Credit Multiplier

Default Text: Earn cash back for every $1 spent

Purpose: Explains how users earn store credits based on their purchases.

General Loyalty Program and Rewards

Default Text: Loyalty Program & Rewards

Purpose: Describes the overarching loyalty program and its rewards.

General You Have Points

Default Text: You have {{points}} points

Purpose: Displays the current points balance of the user.

Variable: {{points}} - This variable dynamically displays the user's current points balance.

Birthday Way to Earn

General Celebrate Birthday

Default Text: Celebrate a birthday

Purpose: Encourages users to celebrate their birthday as part of the loyalty program.

General Celebrate Birthday Past Tense

Default Text: Celebrated a birthday

Purpose: Acknowledges that a user has celebrated their birthday.

General Birthday Reward

Default Text: Celebrate with a reward

Purpose: Suggests rewarding the user for celebrating their birthday.

General Celebrate Your Birthday

Default Text: Let's celebrate your birthday! 🎉 Please give us 30 days notice - otherwise, you'll have to wait another year.

Purpose: Invites the user to celebrate their birthday with the program and informs them about the notice period required.

General Edit Date

Default Text: Edit Date

Purpose: Provides an option to edit the date of their birthday.

General Month

Default Text: Month

Purpose: Prompts the user to enter the month of their birthday.

General Day

Default Text: Day

Purpose: Prompts the user to enter the day of their birthday.

General Enter Valid Date

Default Text: Please enter a valid date

Purpose: Instructs the user to enter a valid date for their birthday.

General Save Date

Default Text: Save date

Purpose: Provides an option to save the entered birthday date.

General and Social Actions

General Reward Show

Default Text: Show

Purpose: Provides an option for users to display their rewards.

General Share via Email

Default Text: Share via Email

Purpose: Offers users the ability to share something through email.

General Share Link

Default Text: Share your Personal Link

Purpose: Encourages users to share their personal referral or reward link.

General Share On

Default Text: Share on

Purpose: Prompts users to share content on various platforms.

General Please Choose an Option

Default Text: Please choose an option from the

Purpose: Asks users to select an option from a given list.

General Product Page

Default Text: product page

Purpose: General text for the product page.

General Were Awarded Points

Default Text: were awarded points

Purpose: Notifies users that they have been awarded points for an action.

General By

Default Text: by

Purpose: Used in sentences to specify the means or agent of an action.

Social Instagram Follow

Default Text: Follow on Instagram

Purpose: Invites users to follow an Instagram account.

Social TikTok Follow

Default Text: Follow on TikTok

Purpose: Invites users to follow a TikTok account.

Social Facebook Like

Default Text: Like page on Facebook

Purpose: Encourages users to like a Facebook page.

Social Facebook Share

Default Text: Share link on Facebook

Purpose: Prompts users to share a link on Facebook.

Social Twitter Follow

Default Text: Follow on Twitter

Purpose: Invites users to follow a Twitter account.

Social Twitter Share

Default Text: Share link on Twitter

Purpose: Encourages users to share a link on Twitter.

Social Instagram Follow Past Tense

Default Text: Followed on Instagram

Purpose: Indicates that a user has followed an account on Instagram.

Social TikTok Follow Past Tense

Default Text: Followed on TikTok

Purpose: Indicates that a user has followed an account on TikTok.

Social Facebook Like Past Tense

Default Text: Liked a page on Facebook

Purpose: Shows that a user has liked a page on Facebook.

Social Facebook Share Past Tense

Default Text: Shared a link on Facebook

Purpose: Indicates that a user has shared a link on Facebook.

Social Twitter Follow Past Tense

Default Text: Followed on Twitter

Purpose: Shows that a user has followed an account on Twitter.

Social Twitter Share Past Tense

Default Text: Shared a link on Twitter

Purpose: Indicates that a user has shared a link on Twitter.

Social Follow

Default Text: Follow

Purpose: Generic prompt for users to follow a social media account.

Social Share

Default Text: Share

Purpose: Generic prompt for users to share content on social media.

Social Like

Default Text: LikePurpose: Generic prompt for users to like a page or post on social media.

Referrals and Reviews

Referral Complete

Default Text: Complete a Referral

Purpose: Encourages users to complete a referral process.

Referral Complete Past Tense

Default Text: Completed a Referral

Purpose: Indicates that a user has successfully completed a referral.

Referral Complete Points

Default Text: {{points_amount}} Points for every referral completed

Purpose: Informs users of the points they will earn for each successful referral.Variable: {{points_amount}} - This variable dynamically displays the amount of points awarded for a completed referral.

Review Complete

Default Text: Post a product review

Purpose: Prompts users to post a product review.

Review Complete Past Tense

Default Text: Posted a product review

Purpose: Confirms that a user has posted a product review.

Review Complete Points

Default Text: {{points_amount}} Points for every review posted

Purpose: Details the points awarded for each product review posted.Variable: {{points_amount}} - Represents the number of points a user will earn for posting a review.

Referrals Title

Default Text: Referral Program

Purpose: Titles the section dedicated to the referral program.

Referrals Visitor Desc

Default Text: Refer a friend who makes a purchase and both of you will claim rewards.

Purpose: Describes the referral program to potential participants.

Referrals Create Account to Claim Coupon

Default Text: Create an Account to claim your coupon

Purpose: Instructs users to create an account to claim a referral coupon.

Referrals Create Account

Default Text: Create an Account

Purpose: Prompts users to create an account, typically as part of the referral process.

Referrals Referred Reward

Default Text: They will get

Purpose: Explains the reward that the referred friend will receive.

Referrals Referrer Reward

Default Text: You will get

Purpose: Describes the reward that the referrer will receive.

Referrals Call to Action

Default Text: Refer friends and earn

Purpose: A call to action encouraging users to refer friends.

Referrals Completed

Default Text: referrals completed so far

Purpose: Shows the number of referrals a user has successfully completed.

Referrals Share Link

Default Text: Share this link with a friend for them to claim the reward

Purpose: Provides a link for users to share with friends for referral purposes.

Referrals Referral Code

Default Text: Your referral link to sharePurpose: Displays the user's personal referral link for sharing.

Referrals Get Reward

Default Text: Get your

Purpose: Invites users to get their reward.

Referrals Claimed Reward

Default Text: Here's your

Purpose: Presents the reward the user has claimed.

Referrals Claim Reward

Default Text: Claim your gift

Purpose: Prompts users to claim their referral gift or reward.

Referrals Email Invite

Default Text: Refer friends by email

Purpose: Offers the option to refer friends via email.

Referrals Email Send

Default Text: Send email

Purpose: Button text for sending a referral email.

Referrals Email To

Default Text: To

Purpose: Indicates where to enter the email addresses for referrals.

Referrals Email To Placeholder

Default Text: Add a comma-separated list of emails

Purpose: Instructs users how to enter multiple email addresses for referrals.

Referrals Email Message

Default Text: Message

Purpose: Labels the section where users can write a custom message for their referral email.

Referrals Email Message Placeholder

Default Text: Customize your referral message. The referral link will be automatically added.

Purpose: Guides users to customize their referral message.

Referrals Email Your Friend Has Referred You

Default Text: Your friend has referred you to {{shop_name}}

Purpose: A template for an email message indicating a friend's referral.Variable: {{shop_name}} - Automatically inserts the name of your shop into the referral email.

Referrals Email Checkout Out and Claim Reward

Default Text: Check out the referral link and claim a free reward.

Purpose: Encourages the recipient of the referral email to check out the link and claim a reward.

Referrals Invalid Email

Default Text: Please enter a valid email address

Purpose: Instructs users to enter a valid email address.

Referrals Name Must Be Present

Default Text: Please enter your first name

Purpose: Requests the user to enter their first name for the referral process.

Referrals No Referrals Yet

Default Text: No referrals yet

Purpose: Indicates that the user hasn't made any referrals yet.

Referrals Your Referrals Show Here

Default Text: Your referrals will show here.

Purpose: Informs users where they can view their referrals.

Referrals Your Referrals

Default Text: Your referrals

Purpose: Displays the user's referrals.

Referrals Status Pending

Default Text: pending

Purpose: Shows the status of a referral that is yet to be completed.

Referrals Status Completed

Default Text: completed

Purpose: Indicates a referral that has been successfully completed.

Referrals Status Blocked

Default Text: blocked

Purpose: Shows the status of a referral that has been blocked or is invalid.

Referrals warnings and VIP Program

Referrals General Invalid Title

Default Text: We're Sorry

Purpose: Titles the section for an invalid referral notification.

Referrals General Invalid

Default Text: Sorry, looks like this referral is invalid

Purpose: Informs users that the referral they are trying to use is invalid.

Referrals Similar IP Invalid

Default Text: We are unable to process referrals within the same IP address

Purpose: Notifies users that referrals cannot be processed from the same IP address.

Referrals Code Invalid

Default Text: This referral code is invalid

Purpose: Alerts users that the referral code entered is invalid.

Referrals Already Visited

Default Text: Already visited this page

Purpose: Indicates to users that they have already visited the referral page.

Referrals Program Disabled

Default Text: This referral program is disabled

Purpose: Informs users that the referral program is currently disabled.

Referrals Email Already Claimed

Default Text: This email has already been claimed

Purpose: Notifies users that the email address has already been used for a referral claim.

Referrals Account Already Claimed

Default Text: You already have an account. You can invite your friends to win rewards!

Purpose: Encourages existing account holders to invite friends for rewards.

VIP Tiers

Default Text: VIP Tiers

Purpose: Labels the section detailing different VIP tiers.

VIP Status

Default Text: VIP Status

Purpose: Shows the user's current VIP status.

VIP Reward

Default Text: VIP reward

Purpose: Describes the rewards associated with VIP status.

VIP Tier Desc

Default Text: Gain access to exclusive rewards.

Purpose: Describes the benefits of reaching VIP tiers.

VIP Reward Earned Via

Default Text: Earned via {{vip_tier_name}} tier

Purpose: Indicates the VIP tier through which a reward was earned.Variable: {{vip_tier_name}} - Represents the name of the VIP tier.

VIP Tier No VIP History

Default Text: No VIP membership history yet

Purpose: Indicates that there is no VIP history for the user.

VIP Tier VIP History

Default Text: VIP History

Purpose: Labels the section where users can view their VIP history.

VIP Tier Added To

Default Text: Added to {{tier_name}}

Purpose: Notifies users when they are added to a specific VIP tier.Variable: {{tier_name}} - The name of the VIP tier the user has been added to.

VIP Tier Achieved

Default Text: Unlocked {{tier_name}}

Purpose: Informs users that they have unlocked a new VIP tier.Variable: {{tier_name}} - The name of the unlocked VIP tier.

VIP Tier Dropped To

Default Text: Fell to {{tier_name}}

Purpose: Indicates a decrease in the user's VIP tier status.Variable: {{tier_name}} - The VIP tier the user has dropped to.

VIP Tier Retained To

Default Text: Kept {{tier_name}}

Purpose: Confirms that the user has retained their current VIP tier.Variable: {{tier_name}} - The VIP tier that has been retained.

VIP Tier Earn Points

Default Text: Earn {{points}} Points

Purpose: Indicates how many points are needed to reach or maintain a VIP tier.Variable: {{points}} - The number of points required for the VIP tier.

VIP Tier Orders Placed Count

Default Text: Place {{amount}} Orders

Purpose: Specifies the number of orders needed for a VIP tier.Variable: {{amount}} - The number of orders required for the VIP tier.

VIP Tier Spend

Default Text: Spend {{amount}}

Purpose: Shows the spending required to reach or maintain a VIP tier.Variable: {{amount}} - The amount of money to be spent for the VIP tier.

VIP Perks

Default Text: Perks

Purpose: Highlights the perks associated with VIP tiers.

VIP Benefits

Default Text: BenefitsPurpose: Lists the benefits of being in a VIP tier.

VIP Tier to Unlock

Default Text: to unlock

Purpose: Indicates what needs to be done to unlock a VIP tier.

VIP Achieved Until

Default Text: Achieved until

Purpose: Specifies the duration for which the VIP status is achieved.

VIP You Have Achieved

Default Text: You've achievedPurpose: Congratulates users on achieving a certain VIP status

General error and Terms of Service

General Error

Default Text: Hmm, something went wrong, please try again shortly

Purpose: Informs users of a general error and suggests trying again later.

General Redeem Error Min Points

Default Text: Did not met minimum points to redeem

Purpose: Notifies users that they haven't met the minimum points required for redemption.

General Redeem Error Max Points

Default Text: Exceeded maximum points to spend

Purpose: Alerts users that they have exceeded the maximum number of points that can be spent.

Tos Max Shipping Amount

Default Text: Maximum shipping amount of {{max_shipping_amount}}.

Purpose: Specifies the maximum shipping amount for a reward.Variable: {{max_shipping_amount}} - The maximum shipping amount applicable to the reward.

Tos Expiry Months

Default Text: Expires {{expiry_months}} month(s) after being redeemed.Purpose: Indicates the expiration time frame of a reward after redemption.Variable: {{expiry_months}} - The number of months after which the reward expires.

Tos Expiry At

Default Text: Reward expires on {{expiry_date}}.

Purpose: Specifies the exact expiration date of a reward.Variable: {{expiry_date}} - The specific date on which the reward expires.

Tos Free Product

Default Text: Reward only applies to {{product_name}}

Purpose: States that the reward is applicable only to a specific product.Variable: {{product_name}} - The name of the product to which the reward applies.

Tos Min Order Amount

Default Text: Applies to all orders over {{min_order_amount}}.Purpose: Indicates the minimum order amount required to use a reward.Variable: {{min_order_amount}} - The minimum amount an order must be for the reward to apply.

Tos Apply to Collection

Default Text: Only for products in specific collections.

Purpose: Specifies that the reward is valid only for products within certain collections.

Checkout Extension: Redeeming Points

Checkout UI Redeem Points Title

Default Text: Redeem your points

Purpose: Titles the section where users can redeem their points during checkout.

Checkout UI Redeem Points Desc

Default Text: You have {{points}} points! Redeem for discounts on this order.

Purpose: Informs users of their points balance and the option to redeem these for discounts.Variable: {{points}} - Displays the user's current points balance.

Checkout UI Redeem Points Alternate Name

Default Text: points

Purpose: Provides an alternate or shortened name for 'points' in the UI.

Checkout UI Redeem Points Login

Default Text: Log in

Purpose: Prompts users to log in to view their points balance.

Checkout UI Redeem Points Login Desc

Default Text: to view your points balance and discover rewards available for redemption.

Purpose: Encourages users to log in to view their points and available rewards.

Checkout UI Redeem Points Select Discount Label

Default Text: Select Discount

Purpose: Asks users to select a discount when redeeming points.

Checkout UI Redeem Points Select Discount Desc

Default Text: Please select a discount

Purpose: Instructs users to choose a discount for redemption.

Checkout UI Redeem Incremental Earnings Title

Default Text: Redeem store balancePurpose: Labels the section for redeeming store balance.

Checkout UI Redeem Incremental Earnings Desc

Default Text: How much of your ${{balance}} in balance would you like to redeem?

Purpose: Asks users how much of their store balance they wish to redeem.Variable: {{balance}} - Shows the user's current store balance in dollars.

Checkout UI Redeem Incremental Earnings Login

Default Text: Log in

Purpose: Prompts users to log in to view their store balance.

Checkout UI Redeem Incremental Earnings Login Desc

Default Text: to view your balance.

Purpose: Encourages users to log in to check their available store balance.

Checkout UI Redeem Incremental Earnings Form Input Label

Default Text: Earnings amount

Purpose: Labels the input field for specifying the amount of earnings to redeem.

Checkout UI Redeem Incremental Earnings Form Submit Button

Default Text: Redeem

Purpose: The button text for users to submit their chosen redemption amount.

Checkout UI Redeem Incremental Discount Code Change Error

Default Text: {{code}} couldn't be used with your existing discounts.

Purpose: Informs users that the entered discount code is incompatible with their existing discounts.Variable: {{code}} - Represents the discount code that the user is attempting to use.

Checkout Extension: Points Estimation and Memberships

Checkout UI Points Estimation Title

Default Text: Complete this purchase to earn up to {{points}} points

Purpose: Informs users of the potential points they can earn by completing their current purchase.Variable: {{points}} - Indicates the maximum number of points that can be earned with the current purchase.

Checkout UI Points Estimation Subtext

Default Text: Loyalty points can be redeemed for rewards on future purchases. Actual points awarded may differ if other discounts are applied.

Purpose: Provides additional information about redeeming loyalty points and potential variances due to other discounts.

Membership Tier Unlocked Past Tense

Default Text: Membership Signup

Purpose: Indicates a membership signup action in the user's history.

Membership Recurring Signup Past Tense

Default Text: Recurring Credit

Purpose: Denotes credits received from recurring signups, such as subscription renewals.

Membership Recurring Anniversary Past Tense

Default Text: Membership Anniversary Credits

Purpose: Refers to credits given to members on the anniversary of their membership.

Membership Order Placed

Default Text: Credits earned from placing an order

Purpose: Describes the credits a user earns from placing orders.

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Auto-Translate the On-Site Displays