Points for Posting an Okendo Product Review

Create the Way to Earn in BrandLift

  1. From your Loyalty dashboard, go to Programs > Points.
  2. Select Add Another Way to Earn > Post a product review.
  3. Select Okendo from the dropdown.
  4. Enter the points amount you wish to award.
  5. Optional: Implement a cap on the number of times each customer can receive points for submitting a review.
  6. Click Save and make sure the status is set to On.

Create the Workflow in Shopify Flow

After completing the brief process outlined above to establish your new earning method, it's necessary to set up a workflow in Shopify Flow that will notify our application when a customer submits an Okendo review.

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Apps > Shopify Flow and click Create Workflow.
  2. Click Select a trigger and select Okendo Review Created from Okendo: Product Reviews & UGC's available triggers.
  3. Next, click Output > Action and select Add Points for a Review from BrandLift's available actions.
  4. In the Customer Identifier field, use the variable {{email}}
  5. Optional steps:
    1. Enter a Points Amount Override: This will override the amount that you have set in the app.
    2. Check the Skip Email option: Checking this means customers won't receive an email about their points if you have enabled
  6. Click Turn on workflow.

Common Questions

Will the app award points to all my customers?

BrandLift's default setting is to grant Loyalty points exclusively to Members. However, you have the option to modify the Points program participation in your settings. For more details, please refer to the section on adjusting Points program participants.

Can I connect to different reviews apps?

Indeed, you can view a comprehensive list of our current integrations by following this link.

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Points for Posting a REVIEWS.io Product Review